Saturday, April 11, 2015

Valletta, Malta

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

For our next port of call we began a course through the Mediterranean Sea to the Island of Malta and the capital city of Valetta.  Valetta contains buildings from the 16th century onwards.  World War II left major scars on the city but currently it retains much beauty in its Baroque palaces, gardens and churches.  The city has a nickname Superbissima--Most Proud.

Malta is the largest of the group of Maltese islands and is less than 20 miles long.  Their need to trade and communicate (most speak a Semitic language) also means that most natives speak good English and Italian, too.  BUT they drive on the LEFT side of the road.....and use the Euro for currency.

Malta has a long history and many interesting items/areas to view. The megalithic stone temples at Gozo may be the oldest freestanding structures on earth, older than the pyramids of Egypt.  Trying to decide what to do with our day, we chose to visit Mosta and Mdina.

Mdina is a medieval walled town situated on a plateau and was Malta's capital before Valetta was built.  Mdina is commonly called the "Silent City" by natives and visitors.  It is still confined within the walls and has a very small population of a few hundred.  Mdina holds intriguing narrow alleyways, "palace" homes, chapels, St. Paul's cathedral, museums, monastery and many shops and cafes.  At the end of Mdina, we were treated to a spectacular view overlooking the valley to Valletta and the sea beyond.  We fell in love with the charming little city and can't wait to go back for more exploration.

Off we headed to Mosta, a city in the center of the island known mostly for the Rotunda church that has a huge dome.  Santa Marija Assumpta Church is the 4th largest unsupported dome in the world and the 3rd largest in Europe.  The walls of the church are 30 feet thick to support the dome and the dome is 122 feet in diameter.  The church can hold 12,000 people!

Also nearby are catacombs and ancient ruins dating back as far as 3000 BC.  As you can imagine, we ran out of time and didn't even touch the areas of interest in time!

Oh - did we mention the sail in and sail out?  This rivals Venice for any experienced cruisers reading along with us.  It is beautiful and takes your breath away.  We just didn't have Andrea Bocelli singing!!!!!

Off to Messina, Sicily, the second port of SEVEN port stops in a row.  Hope we survive.